About Us

Anything about scent...
Anything about skin care...
Anything about quality...
Anything about style...
Is what we will talk about Art Scent

Now available for you, just in one stop shopping

"Art Scent" adalah produk bermerek yang mengutamakan kualitas, bukan parfum yang biasa kita jumpai di toko isi ulang parfum. Bagi Anda yang biasanya menggunakan produk parfum isi ulang, berhati-hatilah dalam memilih produk parfum, karena iritasi, radang, sampai kanker kulit bisa menjadi dampak negatif dari penggunaan produk parfum yang berbahan baku tingkat rendah.

Beralihlah ke "Art Scent". Coba dan rasakan sensasinya, dijamin tidak akan ganti-ganti produk lagi.. Saya yakin Anda mengutamakan kesehatan dan cerdas dalam memilih produk yang terbaik.

Parfum "Art Scent" dikategorikan sebagai "Eau de Parfum", karena kadar konsentrat parfum yang pekat yaitu lebih dari 25%.

Daya tahan parfum asli "Art Scent" pada dasarnya dipengaruhi oleh faktor internal dan faktor external.
Faktor internal pada parfum terjadi karena reaksi kimia dalam tubuh seseorang melalui proses metabolisme makanan atau minuman yang dikonsumsi, serta jumlah dan kadar keasaman keringat dari seseorang. Sedangkan faktor external-nya adalah temperatur udara pada saat itu, aroma yang ada di sekitar lingkungan, dan cara pemakaian, apakah disemprotkan ke kulit atau ke baju si pemakai. Dalam kondisi normal wangi parfum asli "Art Scent" dapat bertahan sekitar 8-12 jam bila disemprotkan ke baju, dan bertahan sekitar 5-7 jam bila disemprotkan ke kulit.

Parfum Artscent Terdiri dari 30 jenis wewangian khas pilihan melalui uji kegemaran, sosiologis, dan psikologis dari penggemar parfum di dunia. Dikemas dalam kemasan botol yang eksklusif 40 ML. Gampang dibawa dalam tas, karena ukurannya yang handy, Anda juga dapat mengkoleksi beberapa parfum favorit dengan harga terjangkau, hitung saja benefitnya.. logis dan terjangkau bukan?


Seluruh Produk "Art Scent" ini telah terdaftar di BPOM, dan sangat aman untuk digunakan.
Diproduksi secara higienis di luar negeri, menggunakan extract dari Paris - Perancis, dan dikemas secara eksklusif untuk didistribusikan di Indonesia oleh "PT. Aromatik Kreasi Persada" sebagai distributor terbesar yang menangani penjualan "Art Scent" di seluruh pelosok negeri.


In 2005, our company has produced and provided a variety of fragrance products needed by the cosmetic company by launched Art Scent products. Along that time, Art Scent developed into a renowned brand with a luxury perfume product features and many options of unique and varied aromas, which are specifically created in accordance with the personality of each user. The need for beauty and fragrance products continues to increase. In order to meet these needs, then with high commitment as well as a strong vision and mission, in the year of 2008, a cosmetics company, named PT. AROMATIK KREASI PERSADA established, consisting of people who are experienced and have matured in the field of entrepreneurship and cosmetics industries. Through the support of good cooperation with International based companies who experienced more than 30 years, with the number of products that reach more than hundreds to thousands of kinds, PT. AROMATIK KREASI PERSADA rapidly evolving into a company that is able and quick in anticipating customer needs.

Being the best cosmetic companies, especially in terms of product quality, customer service, profitability, and the good cooperation between distributors, resulting in strong growth in every product and outlet. Also ready to adapt to global changes and ready to compete in the international market.

* Treat well every customer as we need to be well-known by the its good service.
* Develop innovative products continuously with strict quality control.
* Provide an opportunity to expand the network to every business partner with commitment and integrity by building or adding outlets in various cities in accordance with market conditions.
* Provide facilities or the best service in delivery order for every customer and business partners with a fast and accurate system.
* Expanding the market, from national to international region.

* Producing fragrance products, Skin care, & body care in accordance with current market demand.
* Handle maintenance project especially hygienic state of buildings.
* Provide sanitation and fragrance products for your company, such as: solid or liquid soap, hand soap, shampoo, liquid floor cleaner & air freshener.